Monday, September 30, 2013


Piper loves her Daddy.

Sunday Morning

Sunday morning the girls lounged with Pup and watched a movie while everyone got ready.

 Piper showed off her new waving skills, Pup was super impressed.

 Then we had breakfast! Piper enjoyed an appetizer of puffs.
 Avery chit chatted with Pup.
 She also played some checkers with Daddy.
  And she posed by a big fireplace!

Saturday Afternoon

Saturday afternoon it was raining so we played inside.  Avery colored her new pillow (another excellent birthday present).

 We fed the fish. While Avery yelled at them and they kept running away.
 Piper played with her Pup.
 Avery colored in her outfit.
 And she watched stories on the kindle.
 Piper took her phone outside and enjoyed some sun!  Looking good! Even if I do say so myself...

Pup and Katie's House

Saturday morning we got up and went to Pup and Katie's house.  Of course, the girls opened presents first thing.  Piper got a sweet phone to chew on.
 Avery got a new princess dress.
 Some clothes (this was definitely Pup's contribution since they both talked about camo) .
 And a new teddy bear with lots of accessories including two dresses, heels, sunglasses and the works!  Her name is Giggles.

 Avery loved her.
 She immediately wanted to be dressed and have her bear dressed up.
 Both were adorable in their sunglasses!

Avery's Big Day

Avery turned 4!! We celebrated by heading out to Chuck E Cheese. Avery had been watching the commercials and asking to go but I am a bad mom and told her there wasn't one in our town...  She forgot this on the big day.

 Of course the Rogers came to join us!  Nolan wanted to play games the entire time and rack up tickets.
 He must have learned that from his mom.
 Or maybe his dad...
 But everyone got in on the fun!

Yucky Foot

Piper got a boo boo on her foot and it got infected. Poor little one.

Howdy, Y'all!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Dinner a/k/a Mass Chaos

 We invited the Rogers and the Morgans over for dinner since Oma was in town. We had 6 kids and 6 adults. It was a little nuts.
 Piper figured out it was safer to escape.
 And then we had a birthday cake for Avery!
 She got all dressed up for the occassion.


Oma came in for a doctor's visit and so Piper and I met her for a pedicure!

Patsy and Rudy

Patsy and Rudy came to visit us this weekend. Rudy fell in love with Halifax.
 Both Patsy and Rudy fell in love with Piper. They are having a baby soon and they want Ava to be just as sweet as Piper is.
 And Avery, of course.
 I miss Patsy tons!


I did a terrible job of getting photos this weekend but I did get some shots of Piper trying out graham crackers for the first time.
 And enjoying some chinese.
 Avery always enjoys chinese, but she calls it chicken and rice.


Poor Piper got an ingrown toenail, doesn't it look terrible?

Eye Patch

Piper tried out Avery's eye patch.
 Turns out, it is supposed to go on your face and NOT in your mouth. Who knew??

Saturday Morning

Piper showed off her new waving skills!
 She also chewed on some toys.
 Working on standing.
 Read some books.
 And looked through Avery's "looking scopes" with Daddy.